Eurice's Pommel This quest is started when you find Eurice's Pommel in the Bone Pit Mines. Deliver Arintal's remains to Arintal the Lesser in the Docks. Remains of the Outlaw "Bearded Beast" You receive this quest when interacting with the skeleton in the Bone Pit area. Talk to Jansen and convince him to go back to work at the mine. Head to Lowtown and talk to the miners near The Hanged Man. Get Back to Work After completing The Bone Pit quest, agree to Hurbert's request to convince the miners to get back to work. Then return to speak with Hubert in Higdhtown. Get ready for a difficult fight against a Mature Dragon. You will encounter a surviving miner, talk to him then enter the Bone Pit Ledge. Venture through the mines, heading south. Follow the path and find the Bone Pit entrance. There is a skeleton just south of the entry area make sure to interact with it to receive the "Beared Beast" quest. After talking to him, exit the city (by leaving the area and selecting the icon on the bottom right corner of the map) and go to the Bone Pit. Head over to Hubert in the Hightown Market. The Bone Pit This quest starts after reading a letter on your writing desk, after you have completed the Birthright quest.

This will give a big boost to your friendship with her. After you are done with Birthright, talk to Bethany at Gamlen's house and offer the portrait to her as a gift.

Portrait of the Past This quest is available only if Bethany is the surviving sibling, and it starts after finding the Portrait of your Mother in Amell's estate cellar. This should give a big boost to your friendship with him. Then return to Gamlen's home and talk to Carver and show him the letters. After you are done with Birthright, head to the Gallows and speak to Tiberius. Family History This quest is available only if Carver is the surviving sibling, and it starts after finding Tiberius's Documents in Amell's estate cellar. If you are done with the area, agree to Carver's suggestion to leave the area. Once you loot it, head up to the vault room and get the will from one of the chests. One of them should have a key to the vault room. Head west, killing enemies along the way. This begins a companion quest, either Family History or Portrait of the Past depending on whether Carver or Bethany is with you. In the room to the north, find a chest that contains either Tiberius's Documents or Portrait of your Mother. Head to Darktown, and there to Amell's estate cellar.

Then talk to your sibling (Carver/Bethany) and agree to go search for the will. Birthright Receive this quest when you talk to your mother at Gamlen's House.